MICH – Measuring Impedance in Congestive Heart Failure


Measurement of thoracic impedance is becoming increasingly available in the clinical setting as a tool for assessing hemodynamics and volume status in patients with Heart Failure. The two major categories of impedance assessment are the band electrode method and the implanted device lead method. Base Thoracic impedance is a sensitive measurement, indicating fluid retention in Heart Failure patients as early as 12 days before symptom development or weight gain.

The main objective for this project is to develop a mobile system to monitor patients Base Thoracic impedance. The user would be able to verify the performed measurement in Smart Companion and the device could be integrated in the SmartBEAT project.


Author: Ricardo Silva

Type: MSc thesis

Partner: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Year: 2016



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