PersonalFinancesApp - Personal finances mobile application for seniors


Older adults often take great cautions with their savings and the management of their everyday finances. Ageing impairments, however, may convert this self-management into a difficult and cumbersome process. At the same time, older adults often find it hard to trust others to do this management for them.

Smartphones may help overcome these problems and may assist older adults by allowing them to always carry the information with them and be able to update it at any time.

However, studies are required to understand what current routines older adults have, what are their needs and expectations and how such a solution needs to be designed so that it will be engaging, easy to use and so that it encourages older adults to manage their own finances using mobile devices.

This project addressed these issues through qualitative research, followed by the iterative design and development of a useful, accessible and user-friendly solution of a personal finances application for seniors.


Author: Ana Ferreira

Type: MSc thesis

Partner: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Year: 2014



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