Fraunhofer AICOS hosts CELFINET for a tailor made Machine Learning Workshop



Hosted by Fraunhofer AICOS, at our Lisbon offices, this Machine Learning Workshop edition was specifically tailored for our industry partners and joined by our partner CELFINET.

An initiative of Fraunhofer AICOS’ Intelligent Systems Group the workshop followed on the group’s focus of building solutions for business fields where intelligent ICT is emerging, optimising resources and processes.


Yesterday, Fraunhofer AICOS hosted a Machine Learning Workshop joined by 8 elements of CELFINET’s, a mobile network’s engineering provider R&D team.

The Machine Learning Workshop is a training initiative created by AICOS, based on individualized coaching to create a learning experience that is tailored to specific needs and objectives identified by our partners.

The course started with a presentation of the theoretical fundaments of machine learning, followed by an open discussion with examples of AICOS’s expertise in this area, concerning our scientific background knowledge and know-how and how it can be applied to tackle several challenges arising from the industry activities performed by our partners.

Later on, in the afternoon, there was a hands-on session customized to a specific challenge which was proposed by the partner itself. Using real data provided by CELFINET, this was the perfect opportunity to apply AICOS’ expertise to a real case scenario, resulting into a very dynamic session with a deeper understanding of the problem delivering achieving tangible outcomes and usable results.

Pedro Vieira, Head of R&D department of CELFINET, when questioned about the impact of the workshop, stated that: “The Machine Learning Workshop organized by Fraunhofer Portugal was a very interesting training session, led by a group of excellent trainers, merging theoretical knowledge with practice in software laboratory and client's own data. To be repeated!"

Fraunhofer AICOS’ Intelligent Systems group is composed of researchers with in-depth expertise in areas such as Machine Learning, and Signal and Image Processing: the nuclear areas required to develop systems with the ability to perceive, analyse, learn and ultimately reason about the environments they must operate in. The particular scientific and technical skills of our group place AICOS precisely at the epicentre of the digital transformation that is currently taking place, boosted by the exponential availability of accessible data and of the required computing power to process it.

More information about Fraunhofer AICOS’ Intelligent Systems Group.