SHRAM – Smart Heart Rate and Activity Measurement


Heart rate monitoring for fitness is important for exercisers to control their training load. Moreover, heart rate irregularities that may occur during the day as a consequence of a weak pulse or a hard blood vessel may be caused by heart disease or another problem.

The goal of this project is to reuse electrocardiography (ECG) sensors for heart rate analysis in combination with activity monitoring, preferentially positioned at the wrist as a bracelet.
The objective is to improve activity monitoring related features with the heart rate and study the inter-combination between energy expenditure, speed, activity and heart rate and ultimate generate alerts for abnormal heart rates, as a consequence of stress situations, for example.

The system should allow a continuous monitoring of heart rate in combination with activity monitoring in a daily basis.


Author: Maria Magalhães

Type: MSc thesis

Partner: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Year: 2016



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