Portugal 2020: Fraunhofer AICOS seeks partners within the industry



Portugal 2020 is the program which succeeds the previous Quadro de Referência Estratégica Nacional (QREN). It has begun in the beginning of the 2nd half of 2014 and will highlight the structural support of the European Union between 2014 and 2020, having as priority exportation and employment.

The priorities of the investment are:

> Stimulate the production of tradable goods and services and the internationalization of the economy;

> Increase of the investment in education, including advanced training, and measures and initiatives for employability;

> Strengthen of the integration of people at risk of poverty and combating social exclusion;

> Promotion of territorial cohesion and competitiveness, particularly in the cities and in areas of low density;

> Support for state reform program, ensuring that funds can contribute to the rationalization, modernization and institutional capacity of the public administration and for the reorganization of models of provision of public goods and services.

Portugal 2020 is based on four key themes: competitiveness and globalization; human capital; social inclusion and employment; and sustainable and efficient use of resources.

Dedicated to the development of innovative solutions of practical utility, the research center Fraunhofer AICOS is leading several different projects that perfectly fit the goals of the program. Therefore, Fraunhofer AICOS is submitting proposals that will help financing the improvement of projects developed under such activity areas as Ambient Assisted Living (ALL) and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D).

Although Fraunhofer AICOS has the know-how and expertise to develop specific projects regarding these topics, the suitability to the market needs may not be ignored. Fraunhofer AICOS is, thus, open to summiting joint applications with companies and institutions that are aligned with our scientific areas of activity. In partnership, Fraunhofer AICOS intends to achieve a single objective: bring innovative ideas to life!

The Community Policy for the next program period 2014-2020 aims to continue to support and promote economic and social cohesion in Portugal, showing a strong alignment with the Europe 2020 strategy, whose strategic priorities are Growth based on knowledge and innovation, Green growth and Inclusive society with high employability.

Fraunhofer AICOS is just seeking for the right partners to achieve this!

Please contact us if you consider your company or institution to be ideal for joint applications with Fraunhofer AICOS.