CordonGris launched to tackle elderly malnutrition in Europe



CordonGris is the name of the project which aims to develop an open and extensible ecosystem that involves the core entities of the food supply chains, in order to assist elderly people in improving the quality of their diets and managing their budget for shopping. Fraunhofer AICOS coordinates this initiative, in which five other partners are involved: from Portugal come Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and SONAE Modelo Continente, Red Ninja Studios and Can Cook join from the United Kingdom, and Unie KBO from the Netherlands. CordonGris will be demonstrated in the three participating countries and is expected to involve over 300 seniors throughout its two-year duration. On May 11 and 12, Fraunhofer AICOS welcomed the partners for the kick-off meeting.

CordonGris will create a system to gather and manage all the data that is relevant for the recommendation of a healthy diet, coming from different sources: sensors for activity monitoring, user reported data, country-specific food databases, retailers’ information, producers’ information and service providers’ information. By analysing the gathered data, the central intelligent system will generate recommendations that range from meals to physical activity actions or other healthy behaviours and prompt people to adopt a healthier lifestyle against malnutrition. With its intelligent processing of the data, along with the recommendations, the project will provide the conditions for the ‘flat-rate food’ concept, a fixed fee for one’s food, to become a reality.  

With this system, the project aims to help older adults manage their groceries shopping, leverage the power of local communities to assist each other in food related aspects and to provide intelligent and healthy food and meal recommendations to older adults based on health characteristics, lifestyle, culture, resources, availability, local production or season.

Malnutrition can have serious consequences on one’s health and independence. Being unable to follow a healthy diet will most likely lead older adults into a vicious cycle: functional decline leads to malnutrition and malnutrition leads to further decline. CordonGris can act as a stepping stone in reversing this cycle. 

Project Cordon Gris (AAL-2015-1-016) “Making sense of data to promote effortless healthy eating habits and autonomy for older adults” is co-financed by the European Commission under the Active and Assisted Living Joint Programme and nationally by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).”