Hospital of the future: a forecast of health technologies



The SkinLesionsRS project, developed by Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, participated in RESOLVE tecHospital on June 2nd, at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde. During the event, several projects oriented towards medical innovations had the opportunity to present themselves to the visitors.


Oncology, orthopaedics, infectology, neurology, surgery, gastroenterology and hospital infection are the target areas of the technologies in exhibition. For instance, the SkinLesionsRS is a mobile-based solution that optimizes the dermatological screening between Local Health Centers (LHC) and Hospital Dermatology Departments (HDD).

Skin cancer corresponds to 1/3 of all cancers, and the malignant melanoma is responsible for most skin cancer deaths. However, the current dermatological referral procedures are inefficient and/or hardly accessible. With the support of SkinLesionsRS, general practitioners from LHC are able to acquire highly relevant dermatological information through the usage of a smartphone, an adaptable dermoscope and a mobile application, thus optimizing the triage process for patients examined in LHC. Furthermore, the SkinLesionsRS project aims to mature and eventually integrate a melanoma risk assessment module to assist specialists in the triage process.

The event was promoted by the RESOLVE programme, created to transfer scientific and technological health knowledge at an initial stage. The projects supported by this programme are potential solutions to help patients and healthcare professionals.