SV4D: presenting new ICT opportunities to Cape Verde


Cape Verde was the first country visited by Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS this summer, to present the project Sustainable Villages for Development. On August 18th, several Cape Verdean authorities gathered with members of the Portuguese research centre, on the facilities of the National Communications Authority, to discuss new ICT opportunities to the country.


The main purpose of the project Sustainable Villages for Development (SV4D) is to promote broadband Internet services and the access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as well the digital inclusion. Developed by Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, this project has the support of the Association of Communications and Telecommunications Regulators of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (ARCTEL-CPLP).

In Cape Verde, the site survey was the first phase of the project, which allowed to understand the limitations in accessing ICT and also highlight the needs of the local population. The second phase will be to identify ICT tendencies and opportunities for the country and, in the third phase, the project will explored solutions customized to the Cape Verde context. The SV4D project can be used to support and leverage several areas, such as health, agriculture, e-Governance, culture and education.