Fraunhofer AICOS’ projects CTFhP and MDevNet showcased at ACTTiVAte Workshop



The outcomes of Fraunhofer AICOS’ projects, CTFhP which focuses on technology and scientific knowledge transfer, and MDevNet a national network of knowledge transfer on medical devices, were showcased in a workshop organised by ACTTiVAte – a Pan-European Clusters for Technology Transfer, aiming at supporting innovation in SMEs and foster the smart reindustrialisation of Europe.


Recognising Fraunhofer AICOS’ experience and expertise in scientific knowledge and technology transfer in the areas of ICT and Health, ACTTiVAte invited us to be one of the participants in their Workshop intitled “Innovation through cross-sectoral technology transfer in the Health & Agrifood sectors”, held on March 8th in Porto (Portugal), an opportunity to publicly present the results of AICOS’ coordinated projects CTFhP and MDevNet.

MDevNet, National Network of Knowledge Transfer on Medical Devices, is a network that acts as a discussion forum that includes workshops, seminars and other networking activities with entities involved in the development, commercialisation, use or transfer of medical device technology. It aims at sharing best practices and clarify regulatory requirements for a more efficient transfer of knowledge, and has had more than 500 people participating in the activities of the MDevNet network during the years 2018 and 2019.


MDevNet Project Description

MDevNet Website

MDevNet Facebook


CTFhP, Collective Transfer Fraunhofer Portugal, combines a set of actions to disseminate, exhibit and transfer scientific knowledge and technologies, which are the result of the applied research projects developed by Fraunhofer AICOS since its foundation in 2008. By doing so, it aims to make a remarkable contribution to overcome circumstantial difficulties and to be able also to demonstrate a model of good practice in technology transfer to other entities of the Research and Innovation R&I system, either in Portugal or abroad.


CTFhP Project Description

CTFhP Brochure


The overall concept of the ACTTiVAte project is to support innovation in SMEs and foster the smart reindustrialisation of Europe, by enabling the emergence of new cross-border and cross-sectoral value chains, resulting from the translation of advanced technologies among selected sectors with strong synergies. These new value chains will be created through the interaction between the following sectors: ICT, Health, agri-food and aerospace. ACTTiVAte consortium members are: Madrid Aerospace Cluster, Wageningen Research, F. Parque Tecnológico de la Salud, Inegi, Technology partners, Aeroplan Cluster, Fundación Tecnova, Dublin City University, OOST NL, IESE Business School, EBN Innovation Network, Analistas Financieros Internacionales, AgriFood Capital.



Project ‘MDevNet – National Network of Knowledge Transfer on Medical Devices’, is an initiative co-funded by ‘COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização, ‘Portugal 2020’ and the European Union through the ‘FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional’.


Co-funded by:

Project ‘CTFhP – Collective Transfer FhP’, is an initiative co-funded by ‘NORTE 2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte’, ‘Portugal 2020’ and the European Union through the ‘FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional’.


Co-funded by: